For PR professionals, Growth Marketing, the holistic approach that has invaded the market in recent years, is the excuse we needed to reinforce the relevance of our expertise to the business. In this post, we share a new way of planning PR, now in the logic of Growth Marketing.
In Brazil and around the world, we live under constant pressure for sales results. The moment contrasts and coincides with dramatic cuts in advertising budgets, which in turn, has triggered the closure of dozens of press outlets. A quick assessment of those who see the glass as half empty is usually that this may finally be the end of PR.
Not so fast! In fact, in this chaotic scenario, PR's contribution to Awareness and Authority emerges as the answer companies need to grow sales. Sales? Really? That's exactly what you’re reading. Sales. Yes, we can!
It's time for PR to take its rightful place in the customer buying journey, from Awareness to Recommendation. The good news for marketing leaders and startup founders is that PR costs are infinitely lower than the million-dollar advertising budgets of the past. When PR planning is done in the logic of Growth, results can be surprising.
PR or RP
PR, from the acronym Public Relations is a business area dedicated to generating awareness and garnering positive opinions on topics, brands, companies and people. The methodologies we use are the legendary Press Release, Blogs, Social Networks, Thought Leadership programs, the popular PR Stunts, and much more.
Inspired by an infográfico recently shared by PR News IO, we created our way of telling the PR story, divided into the following parts:
Growth Marketing
The concept of Growth Marketing gains different definitions in each blog post or conversation. Here's ours: Growth Marketing is an optimized way to attract customers and accelerate business, bringing together Strategy, the Internet, PR, Digital Marketing, Automation Technologies and Sales. And, above all, a mindset of effectiveness, agility, performance and adaptation. It was created in 2010 by Sean Ellis when he was working at Dropbox, trying to develop their customer database. His book, Hacking Growth, became a bestseller. He also has the Breakout Growth podcast which is worth following.
Growth Marketing is a result of the transformations that digital technologies have brought to customer behavior. Googling before making any kind of decision today is part of our lives, both privately and professionally. Therefore, thinking about the growth of a business in light of this reality makes perfect sense.
Steps to plan PR in the context of Growth Marketing
If you want to learn more about how we connect PR with Growth, get in touch.
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Este é um parágrafo. Escrever em parágrafos permite que os visitantes encontrem o que estão procurando de forma rápida e fácil.
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